You are a true success when you help others succeed.

Wedad Tømming - Diploma

This diploma is awarded to Wedad Dabbas Tømming for successful completion the world class 'Employer Brand Management' course, joining the ranks of over 1400 individuals trained in collaboration with Universum - a Global Leader in Employer Branding.

Wedad Dabbas Tømming is officially certified as a result of having passed the certification requirements which includes presenting a final project directly to one of our EBA representatives. The project met the criteria by:
• Illustrating a legitimate understanding of key concepts from the course.
• Accurately applying them to their own company and/or their own work responsibilities.

The course includes four modules encompassing both theoretical knowledge and data to understand the importance and role of employer branding for business success, as well as practical knowledge, resources and tools for how to create, analyze and implement an employer branding strategy.
To learn more, please visit:

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